The Power of Intention

So this past new Moon, a dear friend of mine, hosted a powerful Intention Setting Session. We went through different activities identifying what we were going to release, what we were calling in, and what changes we wanted to see in ourselves.

What made this session so potent, is that we brought in different elements earth, water, fire, and air. We also intentionally went through each activity, feeling each deeply, stating our intentions with a powerful voice, and really focusing on embodying everything that was taking place.

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At a part of the ceremony we burnt the leaves where we wrote out the pieces we were letting go of. And we planted seeds, along with intentions written on a piece of bark for what we were calling in.

I knew this session was potent, as I could feel not only something shift internally, but also the responsibility of the pact I made with myself. It was especially powerful as we proclaimed the words in front of the other members of the group.

For the first time in my life, I recognized that the only one holding me back is me. I mean I have heard this before, and new it at a cognitive level, but for the first time, something actually sunk in to where it became a knowing and I could feel it deep in my being.

Before the Sun, Must Come the Storm

After the session, I had some challenging days, as lots of emotional pieces I was holding onto, started coming to the surface. All the deeper pieces I wasn't addressing. This included the fear of being hurt, that I don't know what the hell I am doing, that I don't deserve. These pieces seem to come on stronger at the same time.

It felt like I was going backwards and not forwards. But what I found through being with these old ideas, and feeling them fully, they cleared. I recognized that it was a part of the intention setting process. With that, life mirrored the external signs that my path was opening up.

The 4 major signs came through that something had shifted. The first one was the black flower I planted, which broke ground not but 5 days later. The second was this rainbow that appeared on my favourite tapestry. The third was a crow that landed right outside my office window facing me as I asked for a clear sign in one of my morning journaling sessions. He sat on a tree branch for the longest time ensuring that I saw him.

My New Flower Blooming

My New Flower Blooming

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Crows Represent:

·          Mystery Magic and Creation

·          Destiny, personal transformation, alchemy

·          Intelligence

·          Higher perspective

·          Being fearless, audacious

·          Flexibility, adaptability

Right after the situation, I was asked to be on a podcast of somebody I highly respect. I received 1 other opportunity to work with a powerhouse in my industry. Needless to say, I will be doing some strong intention setting moving forward.

 I haven’t always been good at setting intentions. For me, goal setting was my common go to. But as I’ve been really anchoring into the practice, I’m seeing the potential as it’s a more well-rounded approach that factors in life and natural rhythms.